Now, Companies in the Philippines (and nearby Countries) can avail of ABHITECH Energy Saving and Pollution/Emission Reducing Products, such as, the following:
- THERMACT-B (Multi-Functional Catalyst For Steam Boilers).
- THERMACT-BIOSSP (Multi-Functional Combustion Catalyst For BIOMASS Boilers).
- THERMOL - P (The Complete Combustion Promise For Internal Combution Engines).
- THERMOL - D (Combustion Efficiency Improvement For All Diesel-Powered Engines and Vehicles)
ABHITECH's unique technology helps the customers in reducing their Energy Consumption, thereby deriving huge monetary benefits without any CAPEX / OPEX. Our products also help in reducing the emissions drastically.
For more details and/or demonstration, contact: Engr. LOPE COLUMNA.
Mobile Phone: (+63) 926-876-8236.